Company Profile

WEIQIAO Germany GmbH is the European headquarters of the Chinese Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group. The group includes 12 domestic and overseas production sites. With over 100,000 employees worldwide, the complete value chains of the textile and aluminum industries are covered by the group.

To continuously develop ourselves we established a professional, constantly innovative, people-oriented, and research-driven corporate culture. Our vision is to build a world-class, globally competitive, and sustainable enterprise. We are building our future on innovation, research, development, education, and sustainability at a national and global level.

Over the years, WEIQIAO Germany GmbH has demonstrated rigorous business ethics and commitment to society and the environment, integrating sustainability into its overall strategy while ensuring stable development of the group’s core business. Devoted to energy conservation, emission reduction, and consumption saving, WEIQIAO Germany GmbH helps the group to generate value with a strong emphasis on giving back to society.



  • Establish a research and development network focused on the aluminum industry accelerating group’s technological innovation and sustainable development.
  • Find and explore partners in the aluminum value chain, lightweight solution, low-carbon development, and aluminum recycling. To connect Chinese and German enterprises to achieve mutual benefits.
  • Strengthen Weiqiao group’s international development, establish brand awareness and improve Weiqiao group’s reputation.