Successful Establishment of the Weiqiao Scholarship and the Inaugural Award Ceremony with IME

Düsseldorf, 26.06.2024

On June 18, the inaugural awarding of the “Weiqiao Scholarship” was successfully held at the Institute for Metallurgical Process Engineering and Metal Recycling (IME) of RWTH Aachen University.

The “Weiqiao Scholarship” was initiated earlier this year by the Weiqiao Group in collaboration with IME at RWTH Aachen. It aims to support exceptionally talented students in achieving their academic and professional goals while fostering future research talents with expertise and an international perspective. From the establishment of the scholarship to the announcement of the recipients, four months elapsed, during which numerous applications were received from outstanding students at RWTH Aachen, specializing in materials science, metallurgy, automotive engineering, and renewable energy.

Dr. Alexander Birich, Chief Engineer at RWTH Aachen University, expressed his delight at the intensive collaboration with the Weiqiao Group and hoped to inspire more young people in the metallurgical industry. Dr. Rong He, Deputy General Manager of WEIQIAO Germany GmbH, emphasized that the establishment of the “Weiqiao Scholarship” marks the group’s first successful step in talent development in Germany. She hopes that the project will continue to support more talented students and foster future professionals in the aluminum industry in the long term.


About WEIQIAO Germany GmbH:

WEIQIAO Germany GmbH is a European subsidiary and European headquarters of the Chinese Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group. The group includes three listed companies, two of which are listed in Hong Kong, 12 domestic and overseas production sites and over 100,000 employees worldwide. The group covers the complete value chain of the textile and aluminum industry.