Weiqiao meets with Chinese Consul General in Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf, 08.11.2022

Zhang Bo visited the Chinese Consulate General in Düsseldorf and had a friendly exchange with Consul General Du Chunguo. Zhang Bo said, Weiqiao Pioneering Group will continue to take WEIQIAO Germany as the base, relying on the group’s overseas business division and other departments, and continue to deepen the exchange and cooperation with the German community. Du Chunguo said, since the establishment of 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia has been one of the most outstanding highlights, the Consulate General is willing to continue to play the role of a bridge to promote the development of Chinese enterprises in Germany, for North Rhine-Westphalia’s mutually beneficial cooperation with China and the people-to-people exchanges between the two sides to contribute. 


About WEIQIAO Germany GmbH:

WEIQIAO Germany GmbH is a European subsidiary and European headquarters of the Chinese Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group. The group includes three listed companies, two of which are listed in Hong Kong, 12 domestic and overseas production sites and over 100,000 employees worldwide. The group covers the complete value chain of the textile and aluminum industry.