Deep Cooperation between Weiqiao and Leichtbau BW

Deep Cooperation between Weiqiao and Leichtbau BW

Deep Cooper­a­tion between Weiqiao and Leicht­bau BW Düs­sel­dorf, 03.11.2022 Dur­ing vis­it to the Leicht­bau BW GmbH in Octo­ber, Bo Zhang, Chair­man of the Weiqiao Pion­eer­ing Group and the Man­aging Dir­ect­or Dr. Wolfgang Seeli­ger dis­cussed the past and...
Cooperation in the Field of Renewable Energy Storage

Cooperation in the Field of Renewable Energy Storage

Cooper­a­tion in the Field of Renew­able Energy Storage Düs­sel­dorf, 31.10.2022 On the 19th Octo­ber, Bo Zhang, Chair­man of the Weiqiao Pion­eer­ing Group, vis­ited the Ger­man Aerospace Cen­ter in Stut­tgart. There he dis­cussed the cooper­a­tion in the field of...
Internship Research and Development (m/f/d)

Internship Research and Development (m/f/d)

Internship Research and Development (m/f/d) WEIQIAO Germany GmbH is the European subsidiary of the Chinese Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group. The group includes 3 listed companies – two of which are listed in Hong Kong, 12 domestic and overseas production sites...