High-End Aluminium Processing Industrial Park

High-End Aluminium Processing Industrial Park

High-End Alu­mini­um Pro­cessing Indus­tri­al Park Düs­sel­dorf, 25.07.2023 On 17 July, the Weiqiao Alu­mini­um Pro­cessing Indus­tri­al Park in the city of Wei­hai in China’s Shan­dong Province was inaug­ur­ated as part of the con­fer­ence to devel­op...
Delegation from Weiqiao Lightweight Base visited Germany

Delegation from Weiqiao Lightweight Base visited Germany

Del­eg­a­tion from Weiqiao Light­weight Base vis­ited Germany Düs­sel­dorf, 28.06.2023 From 10 to 16 June, Qian­fang Zhao, Deputy Head of Shan­dong Hongqiao New Mater­i­als Co., Ltd., and Prof. Dr. Hai Zhang (Suzhou Uni­ver­sity), Head of Weiqiao (Suzhou) Light­weight...
Successful Participation in GIFA2023

Successful Participation in GIFA2023

Suc­cess­ful Par­ti­cip­a­tion in GIFA2023 Düs­sel­dorf, 20.06.2023 GIFA 2023, the world’s most import­ant trade fair for the foundry sec­tor, took place in Düs­sel­dorf from 12 to 16 June. Cov­er­ing a total area of around 67,000 square metres, GIFA togeth­er with...