Invitation to Aluminium 2022

Invitation to Aluminium 2022

Düs­sel­dorf, 20.07.2022 We hereby cor­di­ally invite you to our trade fair premiere at Alu­mini­um 2022. It is one of the world’s most import­ant trade fairs for the alu­min­um industry and will take place this year from Septem­ber 27 to 29 in Düsseldorf. This year,...
Weiqiao Group ranked 199th in the Fortune Global 500

Weiqiao Group ranked 199th in the Fortune Global 500

Weiqiao Group ranked 199th in the For­tune Glob­al 500 Düs­sel­dorf, 03.08.2022 We are very pleased that WEIQIAO Group has made it to the For­tune Glob­al 500 list for the 11th con­sec­ut­ive year. This year we are ranked 199th place, improv­ing 83 places...
Weiqiao and lightweight technology

Weiqiao and lightweight technology

Weiqiao and light­weight technology Düs­sel­dorf, 25.07.2022 On the top­ic of light­weight tech­no­logy, Weiqiao will work with three dif­fer­ent part­ners to build a new energy vehicle indus­tri­al park. On the after­noon of July 6, Bin­zhou Eco­nom­ic and...
Green high-end industry alliance meeting

Green high-end industry alliance meeting

Green high-end industry alli­ance meeting Düs­sel­dorf, 20.07.2022 On July 16, a meet­ing of the stra­tegic part­ners of the high-end green industry alli­ance was held in Shan­dong Innov­a­tion Group Indus­tri­al Park. The meet­ing was atten­ded by Qujing City,...