New cooperation with the automotive industry

New cooperation with the automotive industry

New cooper­a­tion with the auto­mot­ive industry Düs­sel­dorf, 20.04.2023 Weiqiao Pion­eer­ing Group plans to acquire a stake in Beijing Auto­mobile Works (BAW) and in the future will work with the com­pany to estab­lish a new energy vehicle indus­tri­al base in...
Bo Zhang at the resumption ceremony of the Simandou project

Bo Zhang at the resumption ceremony of the Simandou project

Bo Zhang at the resump­tion cere­mony of the Simandou project Düs­sel­dorf, 13.04.2023 In March, Bo Zhang, CEO of Weiqiao Pion­eer­ing Group, vis­ited Guinea and atten­ded the resump­tion cere­mony of the Simandou pro­ject at the port of Maribaya.  Loc­ated in...
Weiqiao is committed to educational project

Weiqiao is committed to educational project

Weiqiao is com­mit­ted to edu­ca­tion­al project Düs­sel­dorf, 24.03.2023 Sup­port in the field of edu­ca­tion is an import­ant part of the Weiqiao Pion­eer­ing Group’s com­mit­ment in China. With the “Weiqiao Fund Pro­ject for Excel­lent Teach­ers”, it sup­ports a...