Researcher in the Aluminum Field (m/f/d)

Researcher in the Aluminum Field (m/f/d)

Research­er in the Alu­min­um Field (m/f/d) WQ&UCAS Research Academy WQ&UCAS Research Academy (here­in­after referred to as “WQ&UCAS”) was foun­ded in 2019 by the For­tune 500 com­pany Shan­dong Weiqiao Pion­eer­ing Group in cooper­a­tion with the...
New Weiqiao production base for high-end lightweight equipment

New Weiqiao production base for high-end lightweight equipment

New Weiqiao pro­duc­tion base for high-end light­weight equipment Düs­sel­dorf, 23.02.2022 At the Chinese Entre­pren­eur­i­al Vis­ion Imple­ment­a­tion Con­fer­ence, Weiqiao’s CEO Bo Zhang intro­duced the group’s vis­ion to build a 100-bil­lion-yuan industry cluster...
WEIQIAO Germany is climate partner of the city of Düsseldorf

WEIQIAO Germany is climate partner of the city of Düsseldorf

WEIQIAO Germany is cli­mate part­ner of the city of Düsseldorf Düs­sel­dorf, 13.01.2023 WEIQIAO Germany GmbH has been a cli­mate part­ner of the city of Düs­sel­dorf since Octo­ber 2022. In this way, the com­pany intends to make its con­tri­bu­tion to the cli­mate...
The second Weiqiao Lightweight Workshop with Leichtbau BW

The second Weiqiao Lightweight Workshop with Leichtbau BW

The second Weiqiao Light­weight Work­shop with Leicht­bau BW Düs­sel­dorf, 14.12.2022 On 08.12.2022 in Stut­tgart, WEIQIAO Germany GmbH suc­cess­fully hold the second glob­al Weiqiao Light­weight Work­shop with Leicht­bau BW togeth­er this year around the top­ic...